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Text File
558 lines
; Script to install SMail
;=================== init ===============
(complete 0)
(set default-dest "uucp:c")
(set @app-name "SMail")
(set @default-dest "UUCP:C")
(set need-version 37)
(welcome " Welcome to " @app-name " installation.\n")
(set exec-version (/ (getversion) 65536))
(if (< exec-version need-version) ; check operating system version
((message @app-name " needs at least Exec version " need-version
" to run.\nYou have only version " exec-version ".\n"
"You can proceed with the installation, but consider "
"installing the " @app-name " with proper version of "
"the operating system."
" The " @app-name " uses some system functions "
"that are not present or functional in earlier system "
"versions. Consider updating your system.\n"
" If you have a later version of operating system "
"and are only now using older version: be sure to use "
"only release 2.04 or newer with " @app-name ". "
"No damage happens if you run " @app-name " with an "
"earlier operating system, however. It just "
"refuses to start.\n"))))
;=================== search assings ==========
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set UULIB
(prompt "Where do you keep your uucp configs ?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "UULIB:")
(set UULIB "UULIB:")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set UUBIN
(prompt "Where do you keep your uucp binarys ?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "UUCP:C")
(set UUBIN "UUCP:C")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(prompt "Where do you keep your uucp spool files ?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "UUSPOOL:")
(set @default-dest UUBIN)
(set sendmail (tackon UUBIN "sendmail"))
(set rmail (tackon UUBIN "rmail"))
(set mail (tackon UUBIN "mail"))
(set smail (tackon UUBIN "smail"))
(set rsmtp (tackon UUBIN "rsmtp"))
(set rcsmtp (tackon UUBIN "rcsmtp"))
(set rfsmtp (tackon UUBIN "rfsmtp"))
(set batch_smtp (tackon UUBIN "batch_smtp"))
;================= backup existings files ==========
(if (exists mail)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source mail)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists rsmtp)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source rsmtp)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists rcsmtp)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source rcsmtp)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists rfsmtp)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source rfsmtp)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists rmail)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source rmail)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists sendmail)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source sendmail)
(dest "t:")
(if (exists batch_smtp)
(prompt "Backup original programs from " UUBIN)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source batch_smtp)
(dest "t:")
;================ delete old files ================
(complete 20)
(debug (run (cat "delete force "mail)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "smail)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "rsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "rcsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "rfsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "sendmail)))
;================ copy files to uubin =============
(complete 25)
(set axsh 0)
(set choice (askchoice
(prompt " Do you want to install the AXSh versions of SMail/RMail ?")
(choices "Getty" "AXSh" "MultiUserFilesystem")
(default 0)
(help "Getty\n"
"Insert all users of your site in getty:passwd. Insert in "
"the comment part the realname of the user.This is only "
"important for the Realname if you donnot use the local "
"enviroment variable REALNAME. Besides smail takes the home-directory "
"for `Mail forwarding' from the getty's passwd.\n"
"These programs use the AXSh passwd instead of Gettys passwd.\n"
"These programs use the MUFS passwd instead of Gettys passwd.")))
(if (= choice 0)
(prompt "Install Getty programs...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "bin")
(dest UUBIN)
(choices "smail" "mail" "convert" "batch_smtp")
(if (= choice 1)
(prompt "Install AXSh programs...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "bin")
(dest UUBIN)
(choices "smail_axsh" "mail_axsh" "convert" "batch_smtp")
(set smail2 (tackon UUBIN "smail_axsh"))
(set mail2 (tackon UUBIN "mail_axsh"))
(set axsh 1)
(debug (run (cat "c:rename from="smail2" to="smail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:rename from="mail2" to="mail)))
(if (= choice 2)
(prompt "Install MUFS programs...")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "bin")
(dest UUBIN)
(choices "smail_mufs" "mail_mufs" "convert" "batch_smtp")
(set smail2 (tackon UUBIN "smail_mufs"))
(set mail2 (tackon UUBIN "mail_mufs"))
(set axsh 1)
(debug (run (cat "c:rename from="smail2" to="smail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:rename from="mail2" to="mail)))
;================== generate rmail and sendmail =================
(complete 60)
(debug (run (cat "delete force "rmail)))
(debug (run (cat "delete force "sendmail)))
(if (= 0 (askchoice
(prompt "sendmail, rmail, rsmtp, rcsmtp and rfsmtp\nare the same programs as smail\n")
(choices "generate a hardlink"
"generate copies")
(default 0)
(help "If you use Hardlinks there could(!) be problems with "
"your filesystem, because hardlinks are not fully "
"supported by the OS.")
(debug (run (cat "c:Makelink to="smail" from="rmail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Makelink to="smail" from="sendmail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Makelink to="smail" from="rsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Makelink to="smail" from="rcsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Makelink to="smail" from="rfsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "c:copy clone from="smail" to="rmail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:copy clone from="smail" to="sendmail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:copy clone from="smail" to="rsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "c:copy clone from="smail" to="rcsmtp)))
(debug (run (cat "c:copy clone from="smail" to="rfsmtp)))
;=================== generate the uulib:config entries ==========
(complete 80)
(set tmp (tackon UULIB "mail"))
(if (NOT (= (exists tmp (noreq)) 2))
(debug (run (cat "makedir " tmp)))
(set tmp (tackon UUSPOOL "batch"))
(if (NOT (= (exists tmp (noreq)) 2))
(debug (run (cat "makedir " tmp)))
(set line1
(prompt "The name of your smarthost (with domain)?")
(default "foo.bar")
(help "The host, that receives all mails from you, "
"which can't be found in the path file")
(set line2
(prompt "Where should the DillonUUCP styled logfile should go (use a emtpy string for NIL:)?\n")
(help "You can use your normal DillonUUCP logfile uuspool:logfile "
"or define a new one. Don't forget from time to time to trim this file.")
(default "uuspool:logfile")
(set line3
(prompt "Where should the CNews styled logfile should go (use a emtpy string for NIL:)? ")
(help "It uses nearly the same syntax as CNews. The main difference "
"to DillonUUCP styled logfile is, that you can see, whether "
"a mail transport was successful.")
(default "uulib:mail/logfile")
(set line4
(prompt "Where should the logfile with the full mailbody should go (use a emtpy string for NIL:)?")
(help "In this logfile smail logs all mail delivery with the fully mail "
"body. Normally you should only use this option for debugging")
(default "t:smail.log")
(if (= 0 axsh)
(set line5
(prompt "Where is the Getty passwd file ?\n")
(help "GETTY:PASSWD is similar to the UNIX /etc/passwd file and is "
"currently used by Getty to verify remote logins and run the "
"appropriate 'shell', which in most cases will be uucico. The "
"format is:\n\n"
"------ start of GETTY:PASSWD -----\n"
"# Put any comment here\n"
"# User,Password,Uid,GroupId,Finger-Info,Home-Dir,Command-To-Run\n"
(default "getty:passwd")
(set line6
(prompt "Where is your alias file ?\n")
(help "This file contains a list of aliases for local users or "
"mailing lists. The format of each alias is\n"
" alias_name recip_name1 recip_name2 ... ")
(default "uulib:mail/aliases")
(set line12
(prompt "Where is/should your path file ?\n")
(help "Look at smail.guide for more help")
(default "uulib:mail/paths")
(set line7
(choices "use rerouting" "don't use rerouting" "don't route anything")
(prompt "Rerouting ability ?\n")
(help " 'don't use rerouting' causes smail/rmail to attempt to route the first "
" component of a UUCP path, probably so it can impress people "
" with how many UUCP hosts it knows. If this fails, it passes "
" the unrouted address to uux, in case the path database is "
" not complete. 'use rerouting' causes smail/rmail to take a UUCP "
" path and route the rightmost component of the path (save the "
" user name) possible. This is mostly for hosts that have "
" very up-to-date routing tables.")
(default 0)
(set line8
(= 0
(choices "Return-To-Receipt Headers" "ignore Return-To-Receipt Headers")
(prompt "Return-To-Receipt Headers...\n")
(help "smail/rmail will send an mail with a copy of the header "
"of the original mail to the address after the Return-To-Receipt: "
"Header. You can turn this off via the SMReceipt keyword in the "
"uulib:config file. See smail.guide for the recognition "
"whether a user exists on your site.")
(default 0)
(set nr
(choices "compress" "gzip" "freeze" "none")
(prompt "Which command should smail/rmail\nuse to compress the BSMTP mails ?\n")
(help "The command to compress your BSMTP mails. "
"The command is:\nexecute cmd <infile >outfile")
(default 1)
(if (<> 3 nr)
(set line9
(prompt "Where is your compress command ?\n")
(help "I need the complete path of the command. ")
(default "compress")
; compress
(if (= 0 nr)
(set line10 "rcsmtp")
; gzip
(if (= 1 nr)
(set line10 "rcsmtp")
; freeze
(if (= 2 nr)
(set line10 "rfsmtp")
; none
(if (= 3 nr)
(set line10 "rsmtp")
(set line11
(prompt "Where is the file, with your BSMTP sites ?\n")
(help "The file with all hosts, which receives mails via BSMTP. Simply one site by every line.")
(default "uulib:mail/bsmtp_sites")
(set line12
(= 0
(choices "no restrictions" "restrictions")
(prompt "Smail offers you the opportunity to allow only "
"to some local users to write mail via UUCP/BSMTP")
(help "See smail.guide")
(default 0)
(if (<> choice 2)
(if (= line12 "Yes")
(set line13
(prompt "Where is the file, with your local users which are allowed to mail outsite your site?")
(help "The file with all users which are allowed to mail via UUCP/BSMTP. Simply one user by every line.")
(default "uulib:mail/checkuser")
(dest "t:add_to_config")
(prompt "Generating new "UULIB"config file")
(include (tackon UULIB "config"))
(append "\n# Options for SMail\n")
(append "SMSmarthost ")
(append line1)
(append "\n")
(append "SMLogfile ")
(if (= "" line2)
(append "NIL:")
(append line2)
(append "\n")
(append "SMMaillogfile ")
(if (= "" line3)
(append "NIL:")
(append line3)
(append "\n")
(append "SMSentlog ")
(if (= "" line4)
(append "NIL:")
(append line4)
(append "\n")
(append "SMAlias ")
(append line6)
(append "\n")
(if (= 0 axsh)
(append "SMPasswd ")
(append line5)
(append "\n")
(append "SMPath ")
(append line12)
(append "\n")
(append "SMRerouting ")
(append line7)
(append "\n")
(append "SMReceipt ")
(append line8)
(append "\n")
(if (<> nr 3)
(append "SMCompress ")
(append line9)
(append "\n")
(append "SMBsmtpCmd ")
(append line10)
(append "\n")
(append "SMBsmtpSites ")
(append line11)
(append "\n")
(append "SMCheckuser ")
(append line12)
(append "\n")
(if (<> choice 2)
(if (= line12 "Yes")
(append "SMCheckFile ")
(append line13)
(append "\n")
(run "copy uulib:config uulib:config.o")
(run "copy t:add_to_config uulib:config")
(run "delete t:add_to_config")
;=================== showing AmigaGuide ==================
(run "run AmigaGuide smail.guide"
(prompt "Running AmigaGuide smail.guide.")
;=================== sending the accounting mail =========
(debug (run ("c:echo >t:smail_version")))
(debug (run ("c:echo >>t:smail_version \"Version strings of the commands\"")))
(debug (run (cat "c:Version >>t:smail_version full "smail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Version >>t:smail_version full "mail)))
(debug (run (cat "c:Version >>t:smail_version full "batch_smtp)))
(debug (run ("c:echo >t:smail_run stack 80000")))
(debug (run (cat "c:echo >>t:smail_run \""sendmail" <t:smail_version -t smail@mavhh.hanse.de -s SMail_account_msg\"")))
(run ("c:execute t:smail_run sendmail"))
(run "c:delete t:smail_version")
(run "c:delete t:smail_run")
(complete 100)
(exit "SMail is now (hopefully correct) installed. "
"You should edit/setup the paths file. Please read the "
"\"Installation/Setup a pathfile\" section in smail.guide. "
"Copys of your previous smail/rmail etc programs can be found in t:.\n"
"Attention !!! This Installer script sends a mail with the version strings "
"of the installed programs to a special account (smail@mavhh.hanse.de) "
"at the site of the smail programmer. "